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Read about the latest news on real-time simulation and testing being used around the world in cutting-edge applications
Developing and Testing Electric Motor Drives and their Controllers

Developing and Testing Electric Motor Drives and their Controllers

Prototype motor control designs, and test motor drives using a fully connected model-based environment and digital twin simulation.

Accelerating Automotive Controller Development With Digital Twins

Accelerating Automotive Controller Development With Digital Twins

By leveraging digital twins of electric vehicles and their subsystems, powertrain engineers can efficiently and safely validate controller software and hardware for battery management systems, traction motors, and charging interfaces within a unified simulation and testing environment.

HIL Testbench to Validate Anti-Lock Braking Systems on E-Bikes

HIL Testbench to Validate Anti-Lock Braking Systems on E-Bikes

A HIL testbench allowed for safe, reliable, and reproducible validation of ABSs on e-bikes in a laboratory setting, mitigating the risks associated with hard braking in on-road testing.

Webinar | Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing of Battery Management Systems

Webinar | Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing of Battery Management Systems

Learn how to test and validate battery management systems (BMS) using a Simulink® workflow from desktop simulation to hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing.

Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing of Large-Scale Power Systems

Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing of Large-Scale Power Systems

Learn how to build a simulator for testing large power systems. Emulate complete power grids and test controllers, protection systems, and electrical equipment.

Prototype Control Designs and Test Controllers for Robots and Autonomous Systems

Prototype Control Designs and Test Controllers for Robots and Autonomous Systems

Learn how to prototype control designs and test controllers for robots and autonomous systems using Model-Based Design with Simulink® and Speedgoat test systems.

Reference Example: eVTOL Powertrain ECU HIL Testing

Reference Example: eVTOL Powertrain ECU HIL Testing

Validate the powertrain ECUs of fully electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft using FPGA-based HIL simulations of the complete powertrain, including the propulsion, battery, and flight control systems.

Reference Example: E-Motor Emulation for Power HIL Inverter Testing

Reference Example: E-Motor Emulation for Power HIL Inverter Testing

Test the controllers and power electronics of a three-phase two-level inverter at rated power levels by emulating a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) under various operating conditions.

Control Design Prototyping for Home Appliances

Control Design Prototyping for Home Appliances

See how Whirlpool prototypes control designs using Simulink and Speedgoat test systems.

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