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Read about the latest news on real-time simulation and testing being used around the world in cutting-edge applications
Developing and Testing Electric Motor Drives and their Controllers

Developing and Testing Electric Motor Drives and their Controllers

Prototype motor control designs, and test motor drives using a fully connected model-based environment and digital twin simulation.

Webinar | Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing of Battery Management Systems

Webinar | Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing of Battery Management Systems

Learn how to test and validate battery management systems (BMS) using a Simulink® workflow from desktop simulation to hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing.

Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing of Large-Scale Power Systems

Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing of Large-Scale Power Systems

Learn how to build a simulator for testing large power systems. Emulate complete power grids and test controllers, protection systems, and electrical equipment.

Prototype Control Designs and Test Controllers for Robots and Autonomous Systems

Prototype Control Designs and Test Controllers for Robots and Autonomous Systems

Learn how to prototype control designs and test controllers for robots and autonomous systems using Model-Based Design with Simulink® and Speedgoat test systems.

Real-Time HIL Simulation of EV Thermal Management Systems

Real-Time HIL Simulation of EV Thermal Management Systems

See how you can test electric vehicle (EV) controllers with a Simulink-based digital twin of an EV thermal management system running on Speedgoat test systems.

Developing and Certifying Medical Device Control Systems

Developing and Certifying Medical Device Control Systems

Model-based design and controls testing using Speedgoat solutions help bio/med/health-tech engineers streamline the development and certification of medical device control systems.

Hardware in the Loop Testing for Microgrids and Renewables

Hardware in the Loop Testing for Microgrids and Renewables

Learn how Model-Based Design and Speedgoat test systems help engineers develop and test various microgrid and renewable energy system controllers.

Prototype Converter Control Designs, Test Converters and their Controllers

Prototype Converter Control Designs, Test Converters and their Controllers

Learn about the solutions for the power electronics development and testing workflow end-to-end, from the early development stages until the final implementation.

Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing to Certify More Electric and eVTOL Aircraft

Hardware-in-the-Loop Testing to Certify More Electric and eVTOL Aircraft

Learn about hardware-in-the-loop testing of more electric and eVTOL aircraft using Speedgoat test systems and the MATLAB® and Simulink® model-based design ecosystem. 

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