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Customer success stories highlight next-generation
technological advancements

Success stories highlight some of the great projects that our customers are working on. The following stories span over a wide range of industries and applications from autonomous driving developments (Mobileye), medical devices (IMT), satellite development (Aalto Univ.) to next-generation electrical grids (SuperGrid Institute).

The Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) simulation workflow is widely applied in the energy, automotive, aerospace, and consumer electronics industries to thoroughly and quickly test control designs.

Examples of the Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) workflow in which Speedgoat real-time target machines act as controllers include HVDC power converter development by the SuperGrid Institute, automatic transmission development ebm-papst, and energy harvesting kites by ETH Zurich.

As Speedgoat products are always used together with MathWorks® products, we have also included some MathWorks® success stories.








Industrial Automation and Machinery



Medical Devices






Civil Engineering













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