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Read about the latest news on real-time simulation and testing being used around the world in cutting-edge applications
HIL Testbench to Validate Anti-Lock Braking Systems on E-Bikes

HIL Testbench to Validate Anti-Lock Braking Systems on E-Bikes

A HIL testbench allowed for safe, reliable, and reproducible validation of ABSs on e-bikes in a laboratory setting, mitigating the risks associated with hard braking in on-road testing.

Control Design Prototyping for Home Appliances

Control Design Prototyping for Home Appliances

See how Whirlpool prototypes control designs using Simulink and Speedgoat test systems.

Test eVTOL Controllers using a Functional Simulator of the Aircraft

Test eVTOL Controllers using a Functional Simulator of the Aircraft

See how Supernal tests eVTOL controllers using a Simulink-based flight simulator running on Speedgoat test systems.

Dynamic Event-Triggered Voltage Control for Islanded Microgrids Using High-Fidelity Simulations

Dynamic Event-Triggered Voltage Control for Islanded Microgrids Using High-Fidelity Simulations

Researchers at University of Naples Federico II are developing an novel distributed Dynamic Event-Triggered control strategy for voltage regulation in inverter-based islanded microgrids with high-fidelity real-time simulations.

Testing Hydrogen Electric Aircraft Controllers for Thermal Management of Fuel Cells

Testing Hydrogen Electric Aircraft Controllers for Thermal Management of Fuel Cells

See how Stralis Aircraft tested their hydrogen-electric aircraft controller for fuel cell thermal management by accurately capturing complex thermodynamic interactions.

Power Converter Switching at 400 kHz For a More Electric Aircraft

Power Converter Switching at 400 kHz For a More Electric Aircraft

Read about how Aeromechs developed a controller for a highly efficient dual-active bridge (DAB) converter. For testing the controller, Aeromechs engineers used a Simulink-programmable FPGA to run their DAB model at 400 kHz.

Power Systems Modelling and Digital Twins for Real Time Simulations

Power Systems Modelling and Digital Twins for Real Time Simulations

Researchers at the University of Genoa and ITER Organization are exploring how digital twins can be integrated in power systems, applying real-time simulation and testing to Reactive Power Compensation systems and Converter Units.

Partner Solution Integration | Test Motor Drives at Power Levels up to Hundreds of kW

Partner Solution Integration | Test Motor Drives at Power Levels up to Hundreds of kW

Test your inverters and motor drives at power levels up to hundreds of kilowatts by connecting the power amplifiers from the AVL testbed to Speedgoat test systems. This test setup allows you to safely and quickly test by emulating electric motors and batteries.

Real-Time Performance Testing of PID and MPC Controllers for Autonomous Vehicle Steering

Real-Time Performance Testing of PID and MPC Controllers for Autonomous Vehicle Steering

Researchers at the Vellore Institute of Technology and Bringhamton University are using real-time HIL testing to compare traditional PD and PID controllers with a modern Model Predictive Control (MPC) controller for autonomous steering.

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