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Read about the latest news on real-time simulation and testing being used around the world in cutting-edge applications
  Expedite Your Electrification Projects Through Real-Time Testing

Expedite Your Electrification Projects Through Real-Time Testing

Learn how you can expedite the design and testing of electric control systems such as electronic motors, power electronics, powertrains, power generators, and energy storage systems. 

Expedite Innovation when Developing and Testing Robotics Systems

Expedite Innovation when Developing and Testing Robotics Systems

Speedgoat provides a Simulink®-integrated testing workflow for controllers in all the stages of the development process of robotics and autonomous systems. Facilitate your development and testing by connecting your devices to Speedgoat target machines and leverage the large collection of supported communication protocols.

Modbus TCP Client

Modbus TCP Client

Support of Modbus® TCP clients is now available complementing the already existing Modbus® TCP protocol support. You can run multiple clients on one target machine, either controlling servers in the same network or separate networks. Asynchronous data exchange helps you to save compute resources and test faster.

IO324 - Versatile Analog and Digital I/O Module

IO324 - Versatile Analog and Digital I/O Module

The new IO324 provides a high analog and digital I/O channel count. The digital I/O lines are configurable for power electronics controls, Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) simulation (PWM, capture, encoders, resolvers), and communications (SPI, I2C, …) applications. The IO324 also provides a Simulink®-programmable FPGA, well suited for demanding motion/motor controls and entry-level power electronics HIL testing applications.

Native Onboard Modbus TCP Server Protocol Support

Native Onboard Modbus TCP Server Protocol Support

Benefit from native onboard Modbus TCP server support on the Ethernet interfaces of real-time target machines, allowing for data exchange with Modbus-enabled devices and systems.

Recorded Webinar Now Available: Real-Time Simulation & Testing for Academic Research and Teaching

Recorded Webinar Now Available: Real-Time Simulation & Testing for Academic Research and Teaching

Find out real-time simulation and testing transforms the way engineers and scientists work.

Success Story: Leclanché

Success Story: Leclanché

Find out how engineers at Leclanché use Speedgoat real-time target machines to accelerate the development of Li-ion battery packs and battery management systems (BMS) for automated guided vehicles.

ARINC 825 Communication Protocol Support

ARINC 825 Communication Protocol Support

Speedgoat support for ARINC 825 protocol enables CAN communication without having to design your own CAN structure. Leverage the ARINC 825 Simulink® driver blocks with the IO602 module for avionic applications.

Recorded Webinar Now Available: Rapid Control Prototyping for Power Electronics Control Design

Recorded Webinar Now Available: Rapid Control Prototyping for Power Electronics Control Design

Learn how you can use rapid control prototyping (RCP) with Simulink Real-Time™ and Speedgoat real-time target machines to validate Simulink® algorithms against electric motor and power converter prototype systems.

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