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Testing Battery Management Systems - Battery Cell Emulator search search close

The battery cell emulator is connected to the Performance real-time test system allowing
it to be used as a desk-based solution or to be integrated into a scalable rack system.



Desk-based configuration

The battery cell emulator (BCE) represents the behavior of real-world batteries and provides precise voltage and current levels.

It is ideal for requirements-based testing of battery management systems (BMS) that monitor and control batteries in electric vehicles, aircrafts, and energy storage systems. Testing with the BCE ensures safe and reliable testing compared to testing with real batteries.

Each BCE unit provides 12 independently isolated cells. Several BCEs can be connected in series to obtain a system voltage of up to 1300V.

Emulate temperature sensors for testing of the BMS’ thermal management using the temperature sensor emulator (TSE). Insert fault conditions such as short circuit, or reverse polarity as part of your testing using the fault insertion unit (FIU).

Use the BCE as desk-based solution or as a scalable rack system connected to a Performance test system with over 40 I/O modules, covering thousands of I/O signals and protocols.

Like any other Speedgoat system, the BCE provides unrivaled integration into the Simulink model-based design.

BCE text

Key Features

  • Test packs with up to 1300V system voltage by connecting up to 252 cells. Safe operation is guaranteed with cell-to-cell isolation of up to 100V and rigorous overall cell-to-channel isolation.

  • Emulate and measure up to 8V per cell with a resolution of 18 bit.

  • Source and sink current up to ± 5A per cell with a resolution of 18 bit.

  • Cell update rates of 1 kHz allow representing the algorithm dynamics.

  • Test cell balancing algorithms.

  • Evaluate the BMS thermal management with the temperature sensor emulator.

  • Safely insert fault conditions such as short circuit, reverse polarity, or broken wires using the fault insertion unit.


Test Battery Management Systems

  • Test each component of the battery management system such as the battery management unit (BMU), cell monitoring units (CMU), and power distribution unit (PDU) including their communication.

  • Test BMS algorithms like state of charge (SOC) and state of health (SOH) estimation, and cell balancing.

  • Test safety features such as overvoltage, overcurrent protection features of the BMS.


Rack system

Rack system

A rack system typically is equipped with following additional components:

  • High voltage (HV) terminal board: a pluggable terminal block for connection to the device under test (DUT) such as the battery management system
  • Safety switch and safety relay: safety controller that monitors inputs from switches and trips interlock
  • Insulation monitoring device: monitors insulation resistance of HV power supply cabling
  • Real-time test system: provides the option to install I/O modules covering I/O signals and protocols
  • DUT supply 12/24V: power supply for the BMS controller
  • Battery emulation supply 48V
  • Safety compartment
  • LED tower: indicates safe operation
  • (Optional) High voltage supply 1 – 1.5 kV

Rack System Configurations

24-36 cells
96 V battery modules
Fault Insertion: 24 channels
Temp. sensor emulation: 12 channels
6U safety compartment for DUT

48-192 cells
240V-800 V battery modules
Fault Insertion: 48-192 channels
Temp. sensor emulation: 36-72 channels
12U safety compartment for DUT

72-252 cells
360 V-1300V battery modules
Fault Insertion: 72-252 channels
Temp. sensor emulation: 72 channels
12U safety compartment for DUT

Battery Cell Emulator

Number of cells per unit 12
Number of cells in series Up to 252 cells for 5 V voltage output
Up to 216 cells for 6 V voltage output
Up to 156 cells for 8 V voltage output
Cell-to-cell isolation 100 V
Cell-to-system isolation 1.3 kV
Power Supply 48 V DC ± 5 %
Power Consumption 480 W max.
Communication Interface EtherCAT
Update rate Up to 1 kHz


Cell Emulation Characteristics
Voltage range Available in different voltage ranges:
0.01 V to 5 V with 18-bit resolution
0.01 V to 6 V with 18-bit resolution
0.01 V to 8 V with 18-bit resolution
Voltage accuracy ± 0.5 mV
Voltage ripple 6 mVpp
Current range sink/source Up to ± 5 A (current derating above 5 V) with 18-bit resolution
Current accuracy ± 2 mA
Cell power 25 W max. (sink/source)
Step response 0 V to 6 V ≤ 0.5 ms without load
Step response 6 V to 0 V < 0.5 ms full load


Cell Measurement Characteristics
Voltage range 0 V to 10 V with 18-bit resolution (approx. 40 µV)
Voltage accuracy ± 0.5 mV
Current range ± 5 A with 18-bit resolution (approx. 40 µA)
Current accuracy < ± 2 mA
Filter response -3 dB cutoff frequency at 15 kHz


Battery cell enable (INTERLOCK) Globally enable for all cells
Embedded protection Overvoltage, overcurrent, and overtemperature protection Short circuit and polarity reversal protection


Dimensions 2U 19” subrack enclosure, depth: 350 mm
Connectors 2 x RJ45 connectors for communication with the real-time target machine, as well as additional Battery Cell Emulators, Fault Insertion Units, and Temperature Sensor Emulators
12 x 4-pin Mega-Fit connectors for Cell Emulation (Molex part No. 768250004)
1 x 5-pin pluggable MSTB terminal block for Power Input and INTERLOCK (Phoenix part No. 1776728)
Weight -


Operating temperature 5 °C to 40 °C
Relative humidity 5 % to 95 %, non-condensing


Standards Compliance
Compliances CE, CB, FCC, UK CA
EMC: IEC 61326-1
Safety: IEC 61010-1

Temperature Sensor Emulator

Number of sensor emulation channels per unit 4, 8, 12, 24, or 36
Channel-to-channel isolation 100 V (for 4 channels)
Channel-to-system isolation 1 kV
Power supply DC voltage input: 48 V DC ± 5 %
Power consumption 25 W max. for 4 channels
An additional 10 W for each subsequent set of 4 channels
Communication interface EtherCAT


Temperature Emulation Characteristics
Resistor range 10 Ω to 4 MΩ
Resolution 1 Ω
Accuracy ±0.1 % ± 0.5 Ω
Integrated fault insertion Emulation of open circuits and short circuits (50 mΩ)
Power Max. 100 mW per channel
Current Max. 10 mA
Voltage Max. 20 V
Settling time 10 ms


Dimensions 2U 19” subrack enclosure, depth: 350 mm
Connectors 2 x RJ45 connectors for communication with the real-time target machine, as well as additional Battery Cell Emulators, Fault Insertion Units, and Temperature Sensor Emulators
4 x, 8 x, 12 x, 24 x, or 36 x 4-pin Mega-Fit connectors for temperature emulation (Molex part No. 768250004)
1 x 5-pin pluggable MSTB terminal block for Power Input and INTERLOCK (Phoenix part No. 1776728)
Refer to order information for the correct item ID, depending on the number of channels
Weight -


Operating temperature 5 °C to 40 °C
Relative humidity 5 % to 95 %, non-condensing


Standards Compliance
Compliances CE, CB, FCC, UK CA
EMC: IEC 61326-1
Safety: IEC 61010-1


Fault Insertion Unit

Number of channels per unit 12, 24, or 36
Number of channels in series Up to 252
Channel-to-channel isolation 100 V
Channel-to-system isolation 1 kV
Power supply DC voltage input: 48 V DC ± 5 %
Power consumption 40 W max. for 12 channels
An additional 25 W for each subsequent set of 12 channels
Communication interface EtherCAT


Channel Fault Emulation
Failure type, per channel Emulation of short circuit, broken wire, and reverse polarity on battery cell.
Emulation of broken wire to BMS


Dimensions 2U 19” subrack enclosure, depth: 350 mm
Connectors 2x RJ45 connectors for communication with the real-time target machine, as well as additional Battery Cell Emulators, Fault Insertion Units, and Temperature Sensor Emulators
12 x, 24 x or 36 x 4-pin Mega-Fit input connectors (Molex part No. 768250004)
12 x, 24 x or 36 x 4-pin Mega-Fit output connectors (Molex part No. 768250004)
1 x 5-pin pluggable MSTB terminal block for Power Input and INTERLOCK (Phoenix part No. 1776728)
Refer to order information for the correct item ID depending on the number of channels
Weight 100 V


Operating temperature 5 °C to 40 °C
Relative humidity 5 % to 95 %, non-condensing


Standards Compliance
Compliances CE, CB, FCC, UK CA
EMC: IEC 61326-1
Safety: IEC 61010-1


Please fill out our configuration form and specify your requirements to receive accurate information for your real-time target solution. We are quick to respond and happy to discuss your needs to provide product and pricing information promptly.

Battery Cell Emulator
301001 BCE12-0505 12-channel Battery Cell Emulator up to 5 V and 5 A per cell (2U 19” subrack)
301002 BCE12-0605 12-channel Battery Cell Emulator up to 6 V and 5 A per cell (2U 19” subrack)
301003 BCE12-0805 12-channel Battery Cell Emulator up to 8 V and 5 A per cell (2U 19” subrack)
301023 FIU12-1 12-channel Fault Insertion Unit (2U 19” subrack)
301022 FIU24-1 24-channel Fault Insertion Unit (2U 19” subrack)
301021 FIU36-1 36-channel Fault Insertion Unit (2U 19” subrack)
301041 TSE04-1000-1 4-channel Temperature Sensor Emulator (2U 19” subrack)
301042 TSE08-1000-1 8-channel Temperature Sensor Emulator (2U 19” subrack)
301043 TSE12-1000-1 12-channel Temperature Sensor Emulator (2U 19” subrack)
301044 TSE24-1000-1 24-channel Temperature Sensor Emulator (2U 19” subrack)
301045 TSE36-1000-1 36-channel Temperature Sensor Emulator (2U 19” subrack)
301051 FIU12-1/TSE04-1000-1 12-channel Fault Insertion Unit and 4-channel Temperature Sensor Emulator (2U 19” subrack)
301052 FIU24-1/TSE08-1000-1 24-channel Fault Insertion Unit and 8-channel Temperature Sensor Emulator (2U 19” subrack)
301053 FIU24-1/TSE12-1000-1 24-channel Fault Insertion Unit and 12-channel Temperature Sensor Emulator (2U 19” subrack)


Accessories such as terminal boards and cables are available on request. Please contact the Sales team for further information.

Scalable battery cell emulator to emulate behavior of real batteries. Ideal for testing battery management system.

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