Use Speedgoat real-time solutions to implement Control Area Network (CAN) or SAE J1939 connectivity with MATLAB® & Simulink®. With the Simulink® Real-Time™ workflow and Speedgoat hardware, you can use a wide range of industrial protocols like high-speed CAN (ISO 11898-3), fault-tolerant low-speed CAN (ISO 11898-2) or CAN with Flexible Data-Rate (CAN FD) with your real-time application. Speedgoat products provide seamless integration of CAN, CAN FD, or SAE J1939 with the MathWorks® product family (e.g. MATLAB®, Simulink®, Simulink® Test™ and Simulink® Real-Time™). All solutions come with Simulink® driver blocks.
Speedgoat provide comprehensive support for CAN, CAN FD, and SAE J1939. For example, the IO601 CAN (Controller Area Network) I/O module, supports LIN, XCP over CAN, highspeed CAN (ISO 11898-3) and fault-tolerant lowspeed CAN (ISO 11898-2). Support for CAN FD is available via the IO611 and IO613 I/O modules.
Contact us to discuss a solution built to your needs