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Accelerate Control Design Innovation With Model-Based Design Ready Solutions for a Worry-Free Test and Simulation Experience

Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) is a workflow that aims to expedite the development process of control strategies. The workflow allows you to rapidly perform experimental iterations in order to identify and resolve potential problems.

Take advantage of Speedgoat hardware together with Simulink® Real-Time™ to benefit from the most seamless Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) workflow for both desktop simulation and real-time testing of your control model, right from MATLAB® and Simulink®.

With Simulink® Real-Time™ you can rapidly deploy your Simulink® control designs to run on Speedgoat target computers, easily configure I/O connectivity, and immediately start experimenting against real-world dynamics.

You also get access to extensive instrumentation capabilities that enable you to rapidly tweak your controller and continuously monitor and record its performances. Eliminate time-consuming and error-prone hand-coding tasks through automatic code generation. Save time by systematically proving the functional behavior of your control algorithm through test automation.

Leverage powerful Speedgoat prototyping hardware with flexible and easy-to-use, Simulink®-ready I/Os for Rapid Control Prototyping. Focus on exploring new ideas, setting trade-offs, and exposing any design flaw in your controller prototype candidate without the hassle of undergoing lengthy embedded processes or dealing with the trivialities of designing and operating ad hoc hardware prototypes.


Advanced Rapid Control Prototyping Systems
to Drive Innovation and Competitiveness


Simplify your Workflow
Efficiently design and test your ideas with a solution that unifies desktop and real-time simulation and testing
Deliver Better
Test early test often and start delivering superior results by exposing design flaws as early as possible. Reduce the likelihood of costly fixes on later development stages
Expedite Innovation
Prove your designs and explore alternatives by rapidly running Simulink designs on flexible real-time hardware. Perform design iterations in minutes rather than weeks
Stay Competitive
Cut back development costs and shorten time-to-market by eliminating time-consuming steps with code generation and automated testing


Core Capabilities for Rapid Control Prototyping

Use advanced real-time Hardware-in-the-Loop systems to Drive Innovation and Competitiveness.


Learning Videos, Webinars and Success Stories



Explore Which Speedgoat Test System is Right for You









Tailored Rack-System

Tailored Rack-System


Let us help you to find the right solution for your project


Request a Configuration Proposal

Get a proposal for a real-time target
machine configured to your needs.

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Request a Free Workflow Demo

Curious how to accelerate control design
innovation with a modular controller hardware setup?

Request a free demo

Have Questions?

Talk to our experts about your project
and application requirements.

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