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Collection of videos, reference examples, and more to support your real-time simulation and testing workflows


Full Vehicle Simulation

Full Vehicle Simulation

Create a digital twin of your full vehicle to accelerate testing and verification of control designs and production hardware.

Rapid Control Prototyping


Industry Use Cases

Academia Solutions

Academia Solutions

Propel your research projects with real-time simulations and discover new ways on how to adapt concepts like Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) and Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) simulations in your laboratory and classroom.

Industry Use Cases


Rapid Control Prototyping

RCP for Wide Bandgap Semiconductors

RCP for Wide Bandgap Semiconductors

Control power modules using SiC or GaN wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductors. Speedgoat real-time systems can handle controllers for switching frequencies up to 2 MHz.

Industry Use Cases

Rapid Control Prototyping

Aircraft Onboard Systems

Aircraft Onboard Systems

Develop and test controllers for different electric aircraft architectures, including flight cycle evaluation, power electronics switching, and support for grid and aerospace protocols.

Industry Use Cases


Rapid Control Prototyping

Virtual Commissioning

Virtual Commissioning

Test and automate testing of large-scale industrial plants and networks with hundreds or thousands of nodes leveraging real protocol interconnects, provided by hardware chips that are used in millions of embedded devices.


Industry Use Cases

Computer Vision

Computer Vision

Rapidly build, run, and test video acquisition and control applications with a Speedgoat real-time target machine. There is a wide range of applications from the design of phone cameras to autonomous vehicle systems.

Rapid Control Prototyping


Industry Use Cases



Highly controlled manipulations are required e.g. for hearing aids, noise cancelling headphones, or car acoustics. Speedgoat real-time systems provide high performance, high-resolution analog and digital I/O, together with MATLAB® & Simulink®.

Rapid Control Prototyping


Industry Use Cases

Structural Test

Structural Test

Use the Speedgoat system for fast acquisition and monitoring of signal data and for closed control loops. For example, for active anti-damping systems for bridges and buildings, for simulating environmental scenarios such as earthquakes, or for vibration platforms in the automotive and aerospace industries.

Rapid Control Prototyping


Industry Use Cases



Leverage real-time target machines for use as embedded controllers.

Rapid Control Prototyping

Industry Use Cases

Power Hardware-in-the-Loop

Power Hardware-in-the-Loop

Speedgoat provides a wide range of real-time P-HIL solutions to test and verify power electronics and power system components. Utilize complex physical models designed with MathWorks tools on multi-core CPUs and FPGAs with the highest level of performance.


Industry Use Cases

Accelerate Development of Electric Vehicles with Real-Time Testing

Accelerate Development of Electric Vehicles with Real-Time Testing

Real-time testing accelerates innovation of automotive electrification, from electric powertrains and power management systems to high-voltage DC battery chargers.

Recorded Webinars

Rapid Control Prototyping


Addressing Challenges Involved in Developing Battery Management Systems Using Simulink®

Addressing Challenges Involved in Developing Battery Management Systems Using Simulink®

Learn how to model battery cell models as a function of battery charge, temperature and scale the cell model up to a battery pack. Monitor cell voltage and temperature, estimate state-of-charge (SOC) and state-of-health (SOH) across the pack. Use simulations to model feedback and supervisory control algorithms. Generate production-quality C/C++ code for target embedded processors. Perform Hardware-In-Loop testing using Speedgoat real-time test system.


Recorded Webinars

Testing Industrial Power Hardware with Power Hardware-in-the-Loop

Testing Industrial Power Hardware with Power Hardware-in-the-Loop

This webinar shows you how electrical engineers can use power hardware-in-the-loop (Power HIL) testing with Simscape™ Electrical™ and Speedgoat real-time solutions to test electrical equipment.

Recorded Webinars


Robotic and Autonomous Systems

Robotic and Autonomous Systems

Expedite innovation and testing of robotics applications, from perception to planning and control design.

Rapid Control Prototyping


Industry Use Cases

UAV Modeling and Testing

UAV Modeling and Testing

Create a real-time virtual testing environment to safely test new designs early in the development and avoid expensive reruns of flight campaigns and reduce downtime in the field.

Industry Use Cases


Rapid Control Prototyping

Robot Assisted Surgery

Robot Assisted Surgery

Design and validate robotic surgery systems, optimize controller accuracy to minimize invasiveness, and introduce remote treatment and diagnosis features.

Industry Use Cases


Rapid Control Prototyping

Rehabilitation Equipment

Rehabilitation Equipment

Design controller prototypes to embed in medical applications such as ventricular assist devices and rehabilitation equipment for musculoskeletal and spinal cord injuries.

Industry Use Cases


Rapid Control Prototyping

Vorticity Dynamics of Leading-Edge Vortex Formation on a Revolving Wing

Vorticity Dynamics of Leading-Edge Vortex Formation on a Revolving Wing

A leading-edge vortex (LEV) forms and remains stably attached on high angle-of-attack (AoA), low aspect ratio (AR) wings undergoing revolving or flapping motion at an insect’s wing. Here, the LEV formation on a revolving wing is investigated. The 'Shake-the-box' (STB) Lagrangian particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) system and a volumetric patching process helped reconstruct the entire time-resolved flow field.

Publication on

Published Papers

Real-Time Simulation and Testing for Academic Research and Teaching

Real-Time Simulation and Testing for Academic Research and Teaching

Researchers and scientists accelerate the designing process of novel control strategies, verify and validate existing embedded controllers or expand real-world systems with emulated digital twins. This webinar takes you one step further and shows how to close the gap between desktop simulation and controlling actual hardware.

Rapid Control Prototyping


Recorded Webinars

Automotive Industry Solutions

Automotive Industry Solutions

Accelerate control design innovation and test automation for tomorrow’s mobility.

Industry Use Cases

Rapid Control Prototyping


Industrial Automation and Machinery Solutions

Industrial Automation and Machinery Solutions

Innovative industrial equipment and smart factories need a modern development process and powerful testing tools.

Industry Use Cases

Rapid Control Prototyping


Aerospace Industry Solutions

Aerospace Industry Solutions

Realize your Innovation - The need to increase reliability while reducing risk in Aerospace requires new, yet well-proven solutions for prototyping and testing.

Industry Use Cases

Rapid Control Prototyping


Medical Device Solutions

Medical Device Solutions

Helping medical personnel perform better, safer, and more efficient treatments.

Industry Use Cases


Rapid Control Prototyping

Consumer Electronics Solutions

Consumer Electronics Solutions

Expedite R&D innovation by replacing constraining embedded controls, DSP, and vision hardware with modular and Simulink®-enabled real-time systems, enabling rapid verification and validation of novel ideas and simulation of digital twins for test automation
Request free workflow demo.

Industry Use Cases

Rapid Control Prototyping


Power Systems Industry Solutions

Power Systems Industry Solutions

Design, simulate, and test power system controls and large electrical networks.

Industry Use Cases

Rapid Control Prototyping


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