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Verification of a Geographically Distributed Real-Time Hybrid Simulation Platform

Verification of a Geographically Distributed Real-Time Hybrid Simulation Platform

This study presents a distributed real-time hybrid simulation (dRTHS) platform that enables the integration of geographically distributed physical and numerical components across the Internet. A series of numerical and experimental studies is evaluated, and it is demonstrated that dRTHS is feasible for coupling laboratory capabilities and is a viable alternative to traditional testing techniques.

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Power Hardware in-the-Loop Validation of DC-DC Power Converter

Power Hardware in-the-Loop Validation of DC-DC Power Converter

The paper describes the development of a power converter small-scale mock-up and a real-time model of an offshore wind farm. Power Hardware In-the-Loop (PHIL) validation is proposed for a demonstration of grid architecture and control principles. Results obtained with a test bench underline the importance of PHIL testing in the power converter development for DC grid applications.

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Experimental Validation of Model Predictive Control Applied to the Azura Wave Energy Converter

Experimental Validation of Model Predictive Control Applied to the Azura Wave Energy Converter

Ocean wave energy is a promising area of renewable energy development. However, there are unique operational challenges, particularly modeling, estimation, and control. This article presents a model-predictive control (MPC) formulation and its experimental testing applied to the 1/15th scale Azura wave energy converter developed by Northwest Energy Innovations (NWEI).

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Adaptive Model Predictive Control in All-Electric Ship Microgrids

Adaptive Model Predictive Control in All-Electric Ship Microgrids

Hybrid energy storage systems have been widely used in transportation, microgrid, and renewable energy applications to improve system efficiency and enhance reliability. However, parameter uncertainty can significantly affect system performance. An adaptive model predictive control is developed to address this issue. Both simulation and experiments are performed to show the effectiveness of the proposed adaptive model predictive control. 

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Motion Planning and Experimental Validation for an Autonomous Bicycle

Motion Planning and Experimental Validation for an Autonomous Bicycle

This paper introduces a prototype autonomous two-wheeled vehicle developed for experimental verification of motion planning and control algorithms. Finally, it presents and discusses experiments run on the actual vehicle for a particular maneuver. It emphasizes the differences between the trajectories created by different vehicle models.

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Rapid Control Prototyping

Software Simulation Tool for Design of the Energy Management System in Elevators

Software Simulation Tool for Design of the Energy Management System in Elevators

This work shows the development of a software tool that provides realistic operation power profiles in elevators for residential and public buildings applications to accelerate Energy Management System prototyping. The simulator is validated and verified through computer simulations, through a HIL (Hardware-in-the- Loop) platform and is finally validated using a full-scale laboratory prototype.

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Model-based Controller Design for a Knuckle Boom Crane

Model-based Controller Design for a Knuckle Boom Crane

This paper proposes a predictive anti-sway control (ASC) scheme at kinematic level for a knuckle boom crane. Model predictive control (MPC) allows to consider dynamic limitations imposed by the crane's structure during payload stabilization. Operability of the derived control scheme is demonstrated for an initial load-deflection using a robot-based test setup.

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Control of Delayed Bilateral Teleoperation System for Robotic Tele-Echography

Control of Delayed Bilateral Teleoperation System for Robotic Tele-Echography

This paper describes the development of a controller for a bilateral robotic system for tele-echography with delayed communications. The problems are solved using a novel approach to bilateral teleoperation control, based on a complete parameterization of feasible teleoperators. Experimental results show the potential of the proposed control method.

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A Balanced Hybrid Active-Passive Actuation Approach for High-Performance Haptics

A Balanced Hybrid Active-Passive Actuation Approach for High-Performance Haptics

This paper describes the design of a high-performance balanced hybrid haptic device. The actuation, design, and control approaches are described and experimentally validated. The results show significant improvements in the stability and rendering range of the device. 

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Rapid Control Prototyping

A Software Architecture for an Autonomous Racecar

A Software Architecture for an Autonomous Racecar

The authors present a detailed description of the software architecture used in the autonomous Roborace vehicles by the TUM-Team. The architecture combines the autonomous software functions perception, planning, and control, which are modularized for use on different hardware and to drive the car on high-speed racetracks. 

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Robotic Glove with Integrated Sensing for Intuitive Grasping Assistance

Robotic Glove with Integrated Sensing for Intuitive Grasping Assistance

This paper presents a fully integrated soft robotic glove with multi-articular textile actuators, custom soft sensors, and an intuitive detection controller. The state-machine-based controller uses signals from integrated sensors to detect relative changes in hand-object interactions.

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Rapid Control Prototyping

A Lightweight Force-Controllable Wearable Arm Based on Magnetorheological-Hydrostatic Actuators

A Lightweight Force-Controllable Wearable Arm Based on Magnetorheological-Hydrostatic Actuators

This paper studies the feasibility of using magnetorheological (MR) clutches coupled to a low-friction hydrostatic transmission.  This combination provides a highly effective yet lightweight, force-controllable supernumerary robotic arm (SRL). Experimental studies conducted on a one-DOF test bench and validated analytically demonstrate a high force bandwidth (>25 Hz) and an excellent ability to control interaction forces even when interacting with an external impedance.

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Rapid Control Prototyping

Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) Testing of Battery Management System (BMS) using Simulink® Real-Time™ and Speedgoat target hardware

Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) Testing of Battery Management System (BMS) using Simulink® Real-Time™ and Speedgoat target hardware

This webinar demonstrates how engineers can perform hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing to validate and test their Battery Management Systems design using Simulink® Real-Time™ and Speedgoat Target hardware.

It showcases the modeling of a battery pack and battery management algorithms such as SOC estimation and cell balancing using Simulink®. The webinar also shows how to perform HIL simulation by running the battery pack plant model in real time on Speedgoat test system, to find errors before deploying the actual hardware in the field


Recorded Webinars

Topological Analog Signal Processing

Topological Analog Signal Processing

Researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) used a Speedgoat Performance real-time target machine and a high-speed analog IO131 module to validate an acoustic topological equation solver experimentally. The setup allowed them to demonstrate the robustness of analog signal processors (ASP) and is an essential step towards a new generation of ultrafast all-optical ASPs. 

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Rapid Control Prototyping

Wave Tank and Bench-Top Control Testing of a Wave Energy Converter

Wave Tank and Bench-Top Control Testing of a Wave Energy Converter

This paper details the design and execution of an experiment for evaluating the capability of model-scale wave energy converters to execute basic real-time realizations of prospective control algorithms. Model-scale hardware, system, and experimental designs are considered, meeting the dynamic requirements of a control system. A dry bench testing method is proposed and utilized for efficient rapid control prototyping.

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A Real-Time Simulation Environment for Autonomous Vehicles in Highly Dynamic Driving Scenarios

A Real-Time Simulation Environment for Autonomous Vehicles in Highly Dynamic Driving Scenarios

In May 2018, a group of researchers from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) won the first Roborace Human + Machine Challenge. TUM's autonomous driving software stack manages environment perception, autonomous navigation, and trajectory tracking.

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An Ankle-Foot Prosthesis Emulator Capable of Modulating Center of Pressure

An Ankle-Foot Prosthesis Emulator Capable of Modulating Center of Pressure

The authors of this paper developed an ankle-foot prosthesis emulator to restore human feet' balancing and push-off characteristics. The proposed emulator system consists of two torque-controlled forefoot digits and a torque-controlled heel digit which meets all design criteria to modulate the center of pressure and ground reaction force effectively.

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An Intelligent Controller based Power Grid Interconnected System for Reliable Operation

An Intelligent Controller based Power Grid Interconnected System for Reliable Operation

The main objective of the research presented is to control the unidirectional boost converter (UBC) by implementing an intelligent controller (IC). The IC continuously captures power conversion based on power output data from wind and solar energy. Then, it injects gate pulses into a power electronic switch based on the data value. The overall design and simulations are performed using MATLAB®/Simulink®.

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Rapid Control Prototyping

Published Papers

Robust and Reliable Wireless Communication between Smart NOx Sensor and the Speedgoat Engine Control Module

Robust and Reliable Wireless Communication between Smart NOx Sensor and the Speedgoat Engine Control Module

The smart NOx sensor case study investigates the possibility of replacing existing wired CAN bus connections between the smart NOx sensor and the Speedgoat rapid control prototyping system and possible future wireless communication with ECU. In addition, criteria like the transmission in industrial environments, packet loss, RSSI, bit error rate, reliability, and security of the wireless solution are analyzed.

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Rapid Control Prototyping

Robust Switching Control Method to Achieve Tokamak-Shaped Plasma

Robust Switching Control Method to Achieve Tokamak-Shaped Plasma

A robust switching control method with state vector matching and a novel approach for the feedback system simulation are presented in this paper. First, the plant model reconstructs plasma equilibria from experimental data and calculates plasma shape changes. Then, the control system is discretized and run on a high-speed computer for experiments on a real-time testbed.

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Rapid Control Prototyping

Robust switching control in the Feedback for Tokamak Plasma Shape

Robust switching control in the Feedback for Tokamak Plasma Shape

A hierarchical robust switching control method with state vector matching is proposed. The plasma shape is controlled via a magnetic field at X-point and poloidal fluxes on the plasma separatrix. Using a combination of advanced reconstruction code with isoflux control leads to high performance.

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Exploration of Real-Time Model Predictive Control in All-Electric Ship Propulsion Systems

Exploration of Real-Time Model Predictive Control in All-Electric Ship Propulsion Systems

Shipboard load fluctuations, such as propulsion-load fluctuations and pulse power loads, can significantly affect power system reliability. This paper explores the implementation and evaluation of a real-time model predictive control-based energy management strategy for load fluctuation mitigation in an all-electric ship. The real-time implementation includes a specially tailored problem formulation, an efficient optimization algorithm, and a multi-core hardware implementation

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Building Real-Time Driver-in-the-Loop Simulators

Building Real-Time Driver-in-the-Loop Simulators

Learn how to use Vehicle Dynamics Blockset™ and the Unreal Engine interface to visualize driving scenarios. Use Speedgoat test system with Simulink® Real-Time™ to create a real-time simulator. Set up a driving simulator with pedal and steering wheel hardware to perform driver-in-the loop testing



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Minimum Curvature Trajectory Planning and Control for an Autonomous Race Car

Minimum Curvature Trajectory Planning and Control for an Autonomous Race Car

This paper shows a software stack capable of planning a minimum curvature trajectory for an autonomous race car based on an occupancy grid map. It introduces a controller design that allows following the trajectory at the handling limits. The the quadratic optimization problem is extended  for improved accuracy, the introduction of curvature constraints, and the reduction of linearization errors in corners.

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Design and Experimental Characterization of a Hydrostatic Transmission for Upper Limb Exoskeletons

Design and Experimental Characterization of a Hydrostatic Transmission for Upper Limb Exoskeletons

The authors introduce a design of a novel hydrostatic air-liquid torque transmission system for an upper limb exoskeleton. Transmission of fluid on rolling membrane cylinders guarantees leakage-free operation, no backlash, and zero stick friction. By employing a new test bench of the fluid transmission system developed, they conducted experiments to characterize the static and dynamic response for different design parameters.

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