Dshot (Digital shot) is a digital protocol for Flight-Controller(FC)-to-Electronic-Speed-Controller(ESC) communication used in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) applications.
Dshot digital protocols are resistant to electrical noise and jitter as each pulse represents one binary digit (bit). The bit 0 and bit 1 signals are distinguished by their high times.
Dshot offers a checksum for cyclic redundancy checking with high-resolution data and does not require ESC calibration. This code module is designed for different packet transmission frequencies and is also available in both I/O module families: configurable I/O modules used to configure I/O and protocol functionalities for a given code module delivered as part of a Custom Implementation Package; and Simulink-programmable FPGA I/O modules optimized for use with the MathWorks® HDL Coder™ toolbox.
Common Applications
- Hardware-in-the-loop simulation of a FC such as Pixhawk
- Rapid control prototyping for the development of high-performance ESC to save power, increase agility and improve reliability